Whether you come with a health condition you would like to support, you have a dietary concern, are on a journey to improve your reproductive health, you need guidance in parenting your off springs or are on the verge of significant changes in your life, this is the space for you.
Following a detailed analysis of your time line most significant events and based on your sensitivities and strengths, I design a strategy to better support you and your family, dissolving blockages between you and your wellbeing. I assist you in dealing with your present circumstances and help you gather information and advice to enter a future of physical and emotional fulfilment.
Each client specificities is taken into consideration and every single support strategy is unique and tailored-made to you.
A real detective work on the real causes of imbalance and the individual methods to address these.
Please check my health coaching programmes below for off-the-shelf services
My approach to health and wellbeing departs from understanding your needs, gathering tools to address the imbalances, and guiding the recovery from physical and emotional blockages. Discomfort set free, you are launched into the higher manifestation of your goals at a personal, professional and environmental level.
My strategies are be delivered more efficiently in the course of time. Whether by coaching you to develop skills to achieve your aims and bring out your true self, or applying strategies to heal your body, my commitment is to YOU as you are to your process.
I dedicate a great deal of research during your first consultation and you will see the results straight away. The sessions are meant to be deep, thorough and significant and I am available for one-off consultations. However, I normally reject this format since truly empowering transformations may be swift but never immediate. I encourage clients to assign themselves to a coaching package, as you will see mirrored in the price of the plans I have to offer you.
Some of the health coaching programmes offered are:
- Applied Sustainable Health – the Wellbeing Path
- Nutritional design for chronic illness (GAPS diet)
- Relationships and Sexuality
- Fertility and Reproduction
- Pregnancy & Birth
- Breastfeeding and sustainable parenting
- Weight management
- Food intolerances
- Trauma release & connection
- Sustainable Empowering Transformations
- Women-of-Me
- Travellers – natural prophylactics
I often present talks and intensive workshops on health and social forefront subjects.
The present ecological and human conditions demand an urgent update of protocols and behaviours, as we all enter a new paradigm where clients, patients, therapists and service providers ought to find connection, engagement, and interaction reframed differently between them and within nature.
For that reason, it is unsurprising my subjects are often non political-correct.
For professionals
- Primal Health & the origins of human health
- Oxytocin – a physiological and social perspective of the love hormone
- Oxytocin: what could nutrition, trauma and orgasm have in common?
- The Gut and chronic illness: therapy under the Primal Health perspective
- Consultation methods revisited: the advanced therapist of the 21st century
For general public
- Health and Relationships
- Creative connections / Integrity and Truth in relationships
- Foods for Orgasm, Sexuality and Fertility
- Sustainable parenting
These courses may be presented in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
Some of the materials and recordings of these seminars are available for purchased online.
(check my online Courses & Talks on the Resources page)
Beyond suffering, beyond physical recovery, there is the goal of achieving our full potential and these are exquisite opportunities to embark on intense and deep journeys of transformation and nourishment.
When faced with my own challenges, I love to dedicate special time to feel, clear the mind, nurture the body and blossom into new avenues of growth.
My passion for human fulfilment lead me into facilitating dedicated spaces that feel safe and daring at once, where I coach you to vision, understand and put into practice the life you desire.
- AUTHENTIC RELATING – ART of Being Human – Level 1
- Woman-of-Me Programme
- Power Coaching residence: 3 days retreat
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